"“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried.” "

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao 12th March 2009

""We have a financial system that is run by private shareholders, managed by private institutions, and we'd like to do our best to preserve that system."

Timothy Geithner US Secretary of the Treasury, previously President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.1/3/2009

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

UK Energy will dry up - Armageddon , end of life as we know, the world will end ... let me consult you about it...We will all die... DOOM DOOM

The ink was hardly dry on Lord Patel's immediately preceding post when up popped Kieron Brennan, managing director of Logica CMG's Energy and Utilities business,on BBC 4's "Today" program to explain how a "report" (not seen or available yet !) by his colleagues warns that the UK gap between demand for energy and the supply of power is widening far quicker than anticipated and will have a "significant impact" on industry and consumers. (Guradian / PA report also)

This swivelling eyed consultant paints doomsday scenarios... "Energy intensive industries could be forced to shut down their operations at peak times, costing industry billions of pounds"....claiming energy demand could exceed supply by as much as 23% at peak times by 2015. This would be "clearly unsustainable." Remarkable, you don't say? Wow!!

These wise men have finally cottoned on to the delays inherent in new building nuclear power stations and its impact on energy supply - no mention, it appears of the crumbling fleet administered by British Energy who are running out of energy faster than engineers to produce it or people tom repair the faulty ones they have left.

Kieron says disingenuously "We are not trying to scaremonger but our job is to provide guidance to the businesses we work with and help them understand and manage their future energy requirements." ... and we hope sign up some more highly lucrative consultancy services to talk endlessly about energy gaps..but not actually do anything about it or even put forward sensible, detailed, costed proposals. Unsurprisingly the reprt calls for ... wait for it .. it calls for a REVIEW .. not any old review ...AN URGENT REVIEW of planning laws on energy storage and construction of new facilities.

Presumably by Logica CMG.

Want to advertise your business - contact British Broadcasting Company Newsdesk.

You cannot subscribe to join 5 years old FCUKED - the official Forthcoming UK Energy Deficit commentators, simply be a UK energy consumer. Go read The UK Oil Drum here and click on Lord Petl's tag FCUKED for more.

Pssssssssstttt... nudge, nudge, wink wink ...want to meet a consultant ?

If you want a detailed, sensible, authoritative case of the problems Lord Patel brought your attention to the Institute of Civil Engineers report on this years ago here.

PS The wonderful rider to this story is that we now know Logica CMG (CEO Martin Read(57) earned (?) £1.2 Mn last year)had their offices in London raided on Thursday night and 3 laptops casually left lying around stolen - containing the personnel details of half of London's finest. Perhaps they should show more concern for physical safety before getting so hot and bothered about demanding more REVIEWS of UK energy security.

They have apologised to the Police. .... So, that's alright then.

To add to their embarassment,
Mr Jim Martin has been appointed as Scotland's first Police Complaints Commissioner. He is Logica CMG's Chairman.

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